Our Finishing Touches — Step Inside A Whole New World Of Wedding Venues
If you think a Wedding Marquee is just one big white canvas with internal ivory linings then think again; with our Wedding Marquee structures at CQM you can create a unique, magical and self-sufficient venue. Offering multiple functions, areas and features.
Make Your ’MARQ’ On Your Wedding Marquee
“I’d like a door here… full length panoramic aspects to offer visuals there… fairy light canopies over this part… oh and maybe a seating area with prossecco bar over that part” one client might muse. Our response at CQM—”No problem”.
When it comes to Wedding Marquees the main benefit is that the possibilities of features and designs is endless. The sky is the limit of features and we’re on hand to make sure your vision becomes a reality. At CQM, each Wedding Marquee design offers some of the most unique and personalised venue design. The reason we know this is because each Wedding Marquee is created by the best Wedding Designers out there — You!
We will send you our finishing Touches brochure with your initial inquiry. Below are some ideas to suit our marquees, wedding venues, Halls or Shed conversions.
Oak dance floor
Wooden cartwheels with festoons
Festoon Lighting
Festoons from the main poles
Hanging Crates
Hanging crates make a great lighting feature
Wooden Ridge Bar
Hung between the main poles on a pulley. Move to the required height and cover with flowers and hang things from this; crates wooden planks, party lights etc!
Fairy Lights
Fairy light canopy – throughout the whole marquee
Floral rings
Hung between the main poles